
Hinamatsuri, also known as 'Doll's Day' or 'Girl's Day', is a traditional Shinto holiday in Japan. Families celebrate by praying for their daughters and display hina-ningyo (ornamental dolls representing the…

International Women’s Day

International Women's Day recognises the achievements of people who identify as women despite facing historical injustices and disadvantages. The theme for 2024 is 'Invest in women: Accelerate progress', aiming to…


Ramadan takes place on the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and is commemorated by muslims globally through fasting and prayer. The annual observance of Ramadan is one of the…

St Patrick’s Day

St Patrick's Day takes place on the anniversary of the death of St Patrick. This day has been celebrated as a religious holiday in Ireland for over 1000 years. Although…

Hola Mahalla

Also referred to as Hola, Hola Mahalla is a three day Sikh religious festival which builds upon the festival of Holi. Hola is celebrated by participating in martial arts parades,…

International Day of Forests

Forests are important spaces which not only clean the air and purify water, but also is home to vast amounts of animal species. The UN marks 21 March as International…


Holi is a Hindu festival which is has several roots. Some attribute the festival to the story of Vishnu's triumph over Hiranyakashipu, marking the victory of good over evil. Others…


Easter is a Christian holiday following lent (40 days of fasting) which celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Easter celebrations vary depending on each domination, however, many decorate Easter eggs,…

April Fools Day

The origins of April Fools Day are unclear, however, historians speculate the holiday originates in France in 1582 when they switched to the Gregorian calendar. People who failed to notice…


Vaisakhi celebrates the day in which Sikhism was established as a collective faith in 1699. Vaisakhi is celebrated by going to the Gudwara, singing hymns, reading scriptures and participating in…


Passover is a Jewish holiday which commemorates the Hebrews' freedom from slavery from Egypt. Passover is celebrated with a family meal called seder on the first night which consists of…